Sonntag, 23. Juli 2017

In the morning when I wake...

8 Kommentare:

  1. ...wonderful fotos and tunes to wake to! A beautiful post Mascha, thanks so much for sharing, have a special week!

  2. ...wonderful fotos and tunes to wake to! A beautiful post Mascha, thanks so much for sharing, have a special week!

  3. Sad and pensive but sweet...a lovely post. Sorry you are having trouble with your computer. Hope things get better! Have a great week.

  4. I enjoyed this Post again for the Tuesday theme IMAGE-IN-ING.

  5. Beautiful blue mysterious images! Lovely views and melody shared; so nice pigeon on the roof! A sunny Sunday and new week ahead!

  6. The third image is my favourite!
    Thank you for participating in the "My Sunday Best" meme, hope to see another entry of yours in this week's meme.

  7. Beautiful pictures thank you for sharing them with us. Have a great day.


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