Montag, 24. Juni 2019

Лети, перышко - Fly small feather

An old Russian song in a modern version - sings Pelageya

Fly, small feather,
Through the fields,
Brush away, small feather,
My grief.

From my face
Swipe away the dust
Come back and become
My wing

Wanna have wings
Like a falcon,
Wanna  be strong,
Like a stone.

Brother, I wanna be
Like a tree,
Wanna have a life
With a new crest.

I would not have to lie
In the open field
I would not have to worry
In the sky to the clouds

 I would not have to ask you
Light small feather
To swipe away to brush away
my pain

Fly, small feather,
Through the fields,
Swipe,small feather,
My grief.

From my face
Swipe the dust away
Turn back and become
My wing.


Лети, перышко,
Через полюшко,
Смахни, перышко,
Мое горюшко.

С моего лица,
Смахни пылюшку,
Обратися, стань
Моим крылышком

Мне бы крылышки
Как у сокола,
Мне бы силушку,
Как у камушка.

Мне бы, братушек,
Как у деревца,
Мне бы жизнюшку
С нового венца

Не лежать бы мне
В чистом полюшке
Не смотреть бы мне
В небо в облачках.

Не просить бы мне
Легко перышко
Да отогнать, смахнуть
Мое горюшко.

Лети, перышко,
Через полюшко,
Смахни, перышко,
Мое горюшко.

С моего лица,
Смахни пылюшку,
Обратися, стань
Моим крылышком.

(have published this song here a few years ago, but it's still one of my top ten...)

7 Kommentare:

  1. I did not know this beautiful song from before, although many Russian songs are very popular in Finland. Wishing you a lovely day Mascha.

  2. Ich habe mich sofort in den Lied Text verliebt.
    Herzliche Grüße

  3. ...Masha a lovely tune, I enjoyed it a lot! Thanks so much for sharing today. I hope that you are enjoying the beginning of your week.

  4. Thank you for sharing at always enjoy your photos and comments.

  5. It is a haunting song - little feather brush away my grief

  6. Mascha, Whimsical feather. Thanks for sharing.

  7. My son is interested in Russia at the moment. I will share this beauty.
    xo Jazzy Jack


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