Dienstag, 27. August 2019

Perfect time

When I grow up, I want to remember that I always wanted 
to be about a thousand different things & one lifetime didn’t seem 
nearly enough. When I grow up, I hope it’s at the very end 
when it doesn’t matter anymore anyway

- storypeople -

(The photos I took at the sandstone fortress Regenstein Castle)

5 Kommentare:

  1. Wonderful photos & stylish Collage art! Maybe we should remember that the perfect time is always right now - we dont have any other than the present.

  2. Indeed, when I grow up! Wonderful post with lovely photos! Wishing you well!

  3. ..Masha, each and every one of your posts is a treasure! I love you images and collages. I hope thast you are having a wonderful week.

  4. I love all the texture in this post from the rocks. Have a fantastic week.

  5. Fascinating photos. Would love to visit that castle!
    Thank you for linking up at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/08/pass-jelly.html


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