Samstag, 17. August 2019

The Weekend Roundup

Joining again with Tom

1. Starts with "G": gift

These both just wrapped it

2. A favorite: gateway - this is one of my most beloved places in our town

3. Green: the green is back by the old factory

And as a bonus a song by Gerry Rufferty: Get it right next time

6 Kommentare:

  1. That is an amazing gateway/arch. I hope you have a wonderful weekend

  2. All lovely photo's for the theme....have a happy weekend :)

  3. The gift is beautifully wrapped. Love the old buildings and the arch. Happy Saturday!

  4. ...Masha your posts are always a gift, thank you. That Gateway would be my favorite too. It looks like elderberry growing at the old factory, you should make some wine! Thanks for the Gerry Rufferty, enjoy your weekend.

  5. I like your Gate find, Mascha. The old factory is nice too, lots of wild Green growing around it. I am sure it has a history if it could only tell.

  6. Great choices and great photographs.
    I enjoy Gerry Rafferty too.

    All the best Jan


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