Samstag, 31. August 2019

The Weekend Roundup

Playing a new round with Tom

1. Starts with "I": ice

2. A favorite: old industry

3. Inspiring are for me all colors

and (garden) books with photos

As a bonus here a song by Isgaard

I used this song in 2005 together with other tracks for my dance perfomance
in a big church in Halberstadt. This was the last - and best - 
appearance in my life (i was 45 years old).
Some kinds of music are always very inspiring for me.

8 Kommentare:

  1. I love that song and would have loved seeing you dance to it. Very INSPIRING Are these your own pastilles? I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. ...your 'I'ce is beautiful.
    ...your 'I'ndustrial building is so photogenic.
    ...'I' love all your 'I'nspiring colors, both the pastels and bold.
    ...thanks so including this beautiful video.
    Masha 'I' hope that you are enjoying your weekend.

  3. Fantastic photos. You get to explore such fun buildings. I like the colors photos.

  4. Love the song! The ice is looking pretty good now, it's hot! Enjoyed your post.

  5. yes, I am with you on colours....very inspirational!

  6. Looking at he ice may make me cooler, I can't decide. I like to see old industrial, I worked in a watch factory for three years, Elgin National Watch, Lincoln Nebraska. I am amazed at seeing how many gardening books you have. A nice collection.

  7. thanks for showing, ICE uhhh thanks not yet in denmark. I love industrial things also.Tha pastels was a fav. of mine to ;O)) love pencils pastels and that sort.

  8. Das sind wirklich tolle, inspirierende Fotos! Auch der Umgang mit dem Licht ist klasse.
    Liebe Grüße


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