Samstag, 10. August 2019

The Weekend Roundup

1. Starts with "F": Forbidden
It's forbidden to enter this beautiful floor
( made the photo in our castle-museum)

2. A favorite: flowerpot

3. Full:  of seeds is this seedpot

As a bonus here are the Flowerpot Men
"Let's go to San Francisco" (oh yeah, take me with you!)

5 Kommentare:

  1. ...the 'F'orbidden 'F'loor sure is beautiful.
    ...the pink rose is 'F'abulous in that lovely 'F'lowerpot.
    ...I love the poppy seed head!
    ...what a neat song.
    Thanks Masha for stopping by, I hope that you are enjoying a wonderful weekend.

  2. Mascha, you have a very nice assortment of "F" words today. That floor cover is very pretty, maybe it should not be in a place where people would want to walk. But in museums those old floors would wear quickly with a lot of people walking on them. Mrs. Jim has a small handmade silk rug she bought in China. For a long time she had it to hang on a chair back.
    I've visited San Francisco three times. When I was in my 20's I spent one whole month there attending a class about running, repairing, and programming a new state of the art electronic equipment for NASA that would decode telemetry data from the space vehicles and space stations. Our classes were held in a Lockheed company Aerospace assembly laboratory.
    I've been to all 50 U.S.A. states. I hope someday you can visit San Francisco, it is a fun and pretty town.
    Have a nice weekend.

  3. The carpet is beautiful and I do like that flowerpot. Enjoyed the song. Happy Saturday!

  4. such a lovely collection of photo's....I love everyone of them...Thanks for joining in with CountryScapes with Cath@Home...I hope you will do so again.

  5. OOps, sorry, forgot where I was linking from...nevermind...hopefully you will join my linky in the future


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