Montag, 2. November 2020

Flyin' shoes


Days full of rain, skys comin' down again
I get so tired of these same old blues, same old song
Baby, it won't be long 'fore I be tyin' on

My flyin' shoes, flyin' shoes
Till I be tyin' on my flyin' shoes

Spring only sighed, summer had to be satisfied
Fall is a feelin' that I just can't lose
I'd like to stay, maybe watch a winter day
Turn the green water to white and blue

Flyin' shoes, flyin' shoes
Till I be tyin' on my flyin' shoes

The mountain moon forever sets too soon
Bein' alone is all the hills can do
Alone and then her silver sails again
And they will follow

In their flyin' shoes, flyin' shoes
They will follow in their flyin' shoes

Days full of rain, skys comin' down again
I get so tired of the same old blues, same old song
Baby, it won't be long

Till I be tyin' on my flyin' shoes, flyin' shoes
Till I be tyin' on my flyin' shoes

Shared with Photo Tunes

1 Kommentar:

  1. ...Townes is a favorite, but this is a new one for me. Thanks Masha for sharing this wonderful post, I will be listening this tune over and over again.


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