Montag, 16. November 2020

Feet of clay

Where are you going
Where have you been
Living a while inside your skin
Another day, come what may
You're on your way with your feet of clay

Wondering, my oh my
Now living the day can make you sigh

Where are going, where have you been?
Riding the tide inside your skin
Another day, waht do you say
We go and play out among the waves
Have some fun, under the sun
Take our rest when the evening comes

Look at the sky
Look at it, my oh my
Now living the day can make you high

Where are you poing
Where have you been
Making it by inside your skin
Another time, are you doing fine?
Out on the road trying to make your dime
Give it a try
Forget all the reasons why
Living the day can make you cry

Where are you going
Where have you been
Markling the time inside your skin
Another day, you'll find your way
Crying to pray with one foot in the grave
Why are you hiding
What are you running from
How do you know when the feeling's wrong

Where are you going
Where have you been?
Biding the while inside your skin
Another day, come what may
You're on your way with your feet of clay

Shared with Photo Tunes

1 Kommentar:

  1. ...Masha, you have found another beautiful haunting tune to accompany your wonderful images. This is a lovely post and I thank you for sharing, there is so much wonderful music out there to enjoy!


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