Montag, 21. Oktober 2019

I am drunk from love

Today an old song by the Georgian Band Orera, 
sings Vachtang Kikabidze
 and scenes from the movie with him

I'm wandering drunken into in the morning, but not the fault of the wine. Friends say that I got off track, That I drink all the time, and I am drunk from love. From her words and eyes I am drunk without wine. From the streets along which she passed. I am drunk from the curtain in the square of the window. From where she smiled at me more than once. From the white cliffs of the coastal that on a sunny day She was sheltered in the shade. I’m crying for everyone, but not drink by myself. I want to laugh, then I pour tears. I am drunk from the curtain in the square of the window. From where she smiled at me more than once From the white cliffs of the coastal that on a sunny day She was sheltered in the shade. He didn’t drink wine, but drunk from the smell. She left. She left with another. Friends say that I got off track, That I drink all the time, and I am drunk from love. From the white cliffs of the coastal that on a sunny day She was sheltered in the shade.

Shared with Photo Tunes

3 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful song Mascha - to be drunken from love is a great sensation :) Have a lovely week.

  2. ...Masha, you find such interesting tunes!!! Being drunk with love is a good thing, enjoy your week with your love.

  3. oooh,this sounds like music leading to a room full of dancing . . . I like it.
    I am always amazed at your collage work - it speaks to me without words.

    Hope you are well . . . love & love, -g-


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