Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2019

Second thoughts

travelling as fast in one direction as she can go
before she has second thoughts & goes back
to doing the same old stuff

- storypeople -

3 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha, I know that I will enjoy the snow when it comes, but for now I am happy to enjoy the fall colors. Thanks for sharing a glimpse of things to com.

  2. Heisann, I really like your new ways of posting, very creative!
    I send an invitation for Blogger's Sunday Walk to everyone who has joined some time ago. Participating has now become easier via InLinkz. The intention is the same: “to detach” bloggers from the computer screen for a while to use their legs, and then share the experiences of the trip. There will be an unpretentious photo assignment as well. Would have been really nice if you join us the last Sunday in October. I intend to have a post the Monday before to inform about BSW Fall 2019. Welcome, best regards Vilt og vakkert.

    Here you can see the latest arrangement BSW Summer 2019:


  3. I would love to sit awhile on that fabulous train, looking out at the gorgeous scenery as it steams through the landscape.


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