Montag, 7. Oktober 2019

Red dog tracks

Did you tell your Momma just what you done?
I seen you last night by the Pascagoula bay
The wind was howlin', it was long past one
What were you doin' down there?
Say you won't say nothin' if I tell you
But I really don't think I want to talk about that
Leave me alone, I want to be alone
No I won't say nothin' about the red dog tracks
I went down to the river and I looked around
There was a half-smoked Lucky and a bottle of Jack
There was blood on the rocks, blood on the ground
And headin' for the bushes was the red dog tracks
Say you won't say nothin' if I tell you
But I really don't think I want to talk about that
Leave me alone, I want to be alone
No I won't say nothin' about the red dog tracks
Now I heard some stories 'bout Carolina Madison
Seth Weaver saw her kissin' your Pascagoula man
It was down by the water and they shared their passion
Where the red dogs did their dancing
Say you won't say nothin' if I tell you
But I really don't think I want to talk about that
Leave me alone, I want to be alone
No I won't say nothin' about the red dog tracks
No I won't say nothin' about the red dog tracks
No I won't say nothin'

- Chip Taylor -

Shared with Photo Tunes

4 Kommentare:

  1. This is a new song to me, but I am fascinated with it and the melancholy sound.

  2. I REALLY like this music! Never heard it before . . . wow.
    AND - your art - Golly - You Always Amaze Me.
    love & love,

  3. ...Masha, you found another wonderful tune, I like it a lot! Thanks for sharing, enjoy your week.

  4. Snow already? I'm not ready for that!
    Thanks for linking up at


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