Montag, 16. August 2021

Himinam Ana Airthai - Heaven on Earth


Don't know what language that is. 
Maybe it is Hindi or maybe the musician Tom Redecker came up 
with this by himself (?) - he sings this more often ...
(I have this Album "Lavender" as an old vinyl)
PS: my sweetheart has just identified the language, 
it is the Gothic "Our Father" in the translation by Wulfila

3 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha, you have pair your lovely images and collages with this haunting tune beautifully! Thanks for sharing and I hope that you enjoy a wonderful week.

  2. Ich hätte auf Indonesisch gewettet. LG

  3. These are lovely collages and the purple flowers are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing them on Wandering Camera!



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