Montag, 2. August 2021





 By the dove and the olive tree, Through the distress of the prisoner, By the child who has nothing to do with it, Maybe she will come tomorrow. With everyday words, With the gestures of love, With fear, with hunger, Maybe she will come tomorrow. By all who are already dead, By all who still live, By those who would like to live at last, Maybe she will come tomorrow. With the weak, with the strong, With all who agree, Are they just a few, Maybe she will come tomorrow. By all the trampled dreams, By abandoned hope, In Hiroshima, or further afield, Maybe she will come tomorrow, The peace!

(translation by google) 

 Shared with Photo Tunes 

2 Kommentare:

  1. This is a very nice collage and unfortunately peace is still far away but we keep hoping and wish that one day it will be everywhere. Thanks also for the song which I couldn't understand but liked.
    Best regards, Tine

  2. ...a soft and soothing tune for a dark period in history. Let there be oeace and let it start with us. Thanks Masha for sharing.


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