Freitag, 4. September 2020


The lane is deep, the bank is steep,
The tangled hedge is high;
And clinging, twisting, up I creep,
And climb towards the sky.
O Honeysuckle, mounting high!
O Woodbine, climbing to the sky!

The people in the lane below
Look up and see me there,
Where I my honey-trumpets blow,
Whose sweetness fills the air.
O Honeysuckle, waving there!
O Woodbine, scenting all the air!

_ Cicely Mary Barker -

6 Kommentare:

  1. Wonderful the BW-photos and this poem!
    Have a good weekend, Elke

  2. Lovely poem that goes perfectly with your photos.

  3. Love honeysuckle, although the variety I grow is native to my region and has no fragrance. Refreshing post with the lovely photos and sweet poem.

  4. Hi! This is my first comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and say I genuinely enjoy reading your blog posts. Can you recommend any other Beauty Write For Us blogs that go over the same topics? Thanks a ton!

  5. So beautiful! I love all the detail in the flowers, and the shine on the berries.

  6. ...lovely subject in black and white.


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