Montag, 6. September 2021

Пташечка - Birdie


Music: Pelagea - Birdie 
Video: animated short films of russian animator and animation director, 
oscar winner Aleksandr Petrov. 
BIRDIE (by Pelagea) 
In green garden a birdie was singing, 
This birdie has a nest, it has chicks, 
This birdie has a nest, it has chicks, 
 And I'm an orphan and I don't have anyone. 
 I'm an orphan and I don't have anyone. 
At night I was rocking a cradle and milking a cow in the afternoon,
 At night I was rocking a cradle and milking a cow in the afternoon, 
After milking, I was dancing in a ring. 
 I was jolly dancing in a ring, I'm good-looking, but bad-dressed, 
I'm good-looking, but bad-dressed, 
No one marry me because of that. 
 No one marry me because of that, 
So I will go to nunnery with grief, I will pray to God. 
I will go to nunnery with grief, I will pray to God, 
I will break into tears before saint's icon. 
 I will break into tears before saint's icon, 
May be God send me someone, 
And I will be happy? 
May be God send me someone,
 And I will be happy, 
May be a handsome young man marry me?
 In green garden a birdie was singing, 
This birdie has a nest, it has chicks,
 And I'm an orphan and I don't have anyone. 
 I'm an orphan and I don't have anyone.
Shared with Photo Tunes

У зялёному саду пташечкай пропела
Йетый пташки есть гняздо,есть у ней и дети
Йетый пташки есть гняздо,есть у ней и дети
А у мене у сироты нет никого на свети
А у мене у сироты нет никого на свети
Ночь кочала да я детей,день коров доила
Ночь кочала да я детей,день коров доила
Подоивши да я коров в хоровод ходила
В хороводе да я была веселай гуляла
Хороша я да хороша ой плоха яодета
Хороша я да хороша ой плоха яодета
Никто замуж не бярет и мене за это
Никто замуж не бярет и мене за это
Пойду с горя в монастырь Богуй помолюся
Пойду с горя в монастырь Богуй помолюся
Перед иконаю святых слезами зальюся
Перед иконаю святых слезами зальюся
Ни пошлёт ли мне Господь ,тай ду ли счастливый?
Ни пошлёт ли мне Господь ,тай ду ли счастливый?
Ни возмет ли меня замуж молодец красивый?
У зялёному саду пташечкай пропела
Йетый пташки есть гняздо,есть у ней и дети

little bird was singing in a green garden
This bird has its nest, has children
This bird has its nest, has children
But I, an orphan, have nobody in the world
But I, an orphan, have nobody in the world
In the night I dandle children, in the day I milk cows
In the night I dandled children, in the day I milked cows
After milking of cows I danced round-dance
Among round dancers I was a cherry girl (flaneur)
I was good girl, very good but had cheep clothes
I was good girl, very good but had cheep clothes
Nobody wanted merry me because of it
Nobody wanted merry me because of it
Because of the sadness I'll go to a monastery, will pray the God
Because of the sadness I'll go to a monastery, will pray the God
I'll burst into tears near to holy icons
I'll burst into tears near to holy icons
Will the God present me, will make me happy?
Will the God present me, will make me happy?
Will a handsome young guy marry me?
A little bird was singing in a green garden
This bird has its nest, has children

1 Kommentar:

  1. ...Masha, I always learn about new tunes with your Foto tunes and I thank you. This is a wonderful one.


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