Dienstag, 28. September 2021




 Top 3 things to remember to do today.
1. Love it all. Especially the parts that don't deserve it.
2. Be grateful for it all, even if you can't see why yet.
3. Those things you know? You may be right, but there's a really good chance you're not.

Bonus: thing: there`s no point in being annoyed with any of this, 
 unless you like that sort of things.

 - Kay Skye -  


Shared with Tuesday's Treasures

3 Kommentare:

  1. Morbide Schönheit....in alten Häusern.....die Bild-Collagen sehr schön!
    Ja, da ist "der Blick für's Schöne", für die Aufnahme des Augenblicks.
    Liebe Grüße

  2. ...the Kay Skye quote is wonderful and so are your images and collages. Thanks Masha for sharing this wisdom today.

  3. What marvelous images! Great job, Msscha.
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/09/a-prickly-situation-from-archives.html


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