Montag, 13. Dezember 2021

I'll be here in the morning




Townes van Zandt


 There's no stronger wind than the one that blows down a lonesome railroad line
No prettier sight than lookin' back on a town you left behind
There is nothin' that's as real as a love that's in my mind

Close your eyes
I'll be here in the morning
Close your eyes
I'll be here for a while

Well there's lots of things along the road I'd surely like to see
I'd like to lean into the wind and tell myself I'm free
But your softest whisper's louder than the highways call to me

Close your eyes
I'll be here in the morning
Close your eyes
I'll be here for a while

All the mountains and the rivers and the valleys can't compare
To your blue lit dancin', flashin' eyes and yellow shining hair
I could never hit the open road and leave you layin' there

Close your eyes
I'll be here in the morning
Close your eyes
I'll be here for a while

Lay your head back easy, love, close your cryin' eyes
I'll be layin' here beside you when the sun comes on the rise
I'll stay as long as the cuckoo wails and the lonesome bluejay flies.

Close your eyes
I'll be here in the morning
Close your eyes
I'll be here for a while

Close your eyes
I'll be here in the morning
Close your eyes
I'll be here for a while 


Shared with Photo Tunes

3 Kommentare:

  1. Wow, liebe Mascha,
    die Bilder sind märchenhaft schön, besonders mit der alten Dampflok. Das erinnert mich daran, dass ich zufällig dabei war als in Euskirchen die letzte Dampflok den Bahnhof verließ.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen guten Start in die neue Woche.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  2. ...Townes van Zandt has always been a favorite of mine and this song is a special favorite. Your two images are wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Tolle Winteraufnahmen, man kann die Kälte spüren...
    Die gute alte Dampflok war früher ein ganz normaler Anblick.
    Und der Lokführer schaute immer aus dem Fenster...
    LG. Karin M.


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