Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2025




 Oh Brothers, dear sweet sisters
Let´s stand in our power
We are warriors of this Earth
Climbing mountains, reaching high

Oh brave brothers, sweetest sisters
Let´s gather our tribe
We are crossing rivers wide
Going to the other side

Let us sing our songs of peace
Hear the waters flowing sweet
Circling the Earth divine
waterfalls, lakes and seas

Rivers long and oceans deep
Flowing wild and flowing free
Rain that falls and rising steam
Snow and ice, she is so free

Breathe the air so clean
Fill your lungs with energy
Fire burning clear and strong
Giving life to everyone

Taita Inti, Padre Sol
Grandfather Tatavari
Rays that shine with pure beauty
Traveling through galaxies

Wakan Tanka Tunkashila
Oh Great Spirit, mystery
Pacha Mama, Ancient Mother
Guide us in this lifelong wander

We are children of this Earth
Generations giving birth
I offer my life to you
Guide me with your loving truth

Viva sol e viva lua
Viva todas as estrelas
Viva vento viva mar
Viva toda a floresta

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