Eisva mudu abudu - Litauisches Volkslied
Englische Übersetzung, bei youtube gefunden:
The two of us shall go together,
to a green wood, the two of us together will.
The two of us shall cut down together
some green lime trees, the two of us together will.
The two of us shall cut out together
the new boards, the two of us together will.
The two of us shall build together
the new bed, the two of us together will.
The two of us shall spread together
the new bedsheets, the two of us together will.
The two of us shall lie down together
in the new bed, the two of us together will.
The two of us shall make together
a green cradle, the two of us together will.
The two of us shall lay down together
the little baby, the two of us together will.
The two of us shall sway together
The little baby, the two of us together will.
Translation by user Baltic folk
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