Donnerstag, 3. September 2015

In the forest...

14 Kommentare:

  1. Hello Mascha, I love the pretty forest. Gorgeous pine trees. Great fence shots, enjoy your day!

  2. We don't see many tall trees like this here in south Texas, just big fat Live Oaks.

  3. Hi Masha, wonderful forest and fence shots. Love seeing the trees that tall. Reminds me of pines growing up in Michigan. Living in Texas we have mostly Live Oaks. cm

  4. Gorgeous background of the trees, and the fence blends in nicely. Beautiful!
    Have a great day!

  5. pretty forest! you have very tall pine trees! have a great day mascha! :)

  6. Lovethe tall conifer trees with great fences for this meme. Thanks for sharing.

  7. A beautiful stand of trees and the fence is very tall too! Great photos!

  8. A most interesting and inviting forest it is too!

  9. Lovely photos of the fence and the forest. The lighting is so pretty. It reminded me of being in the mountains and enjoying the fresh morning air.

  10. Pretty forest contained in nice fencing. Great shots!

  11. Die Bilder sehen toll aus. :)

  12. Lovely pictures! I love those gorgeous tall pines!


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