Donnerstag, 24. September 2015

One apple every day...

... keeps the doctor away.

18 Kommentare:

  1. I like apples and if they keep the doc away that is good too! Great fence shot. Have a happy day!

  2. Love this shot and your sense of humour. B

  3. hope some livestock will come by and find it there! :)

  4. Perfect take for Autumn with the apple in the fence. I am sure a horse will find its way over for that delicious. bite or all of it.
    I see yonder a horse so perhaps one is in this side of pasture as well.

  5. Hallo Masche, wenn das kein Hingucker ist,
    toll entdeckt !
    ♥liche Grüße

  6. Well, this is a one of a kind shot ... how fun. Is there an apple tree near by or did someone just stick it there. I'm guessing the fence will be glad to know that it's apple that day will keep the doctor away. LOL, Mascha ... you are too much :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Nearby is an appletree with very delicious red apples (we've collected them)

  7. So neat and different. Thanks for sharing.

  8. One apple caught / though the wind / rushes through

    Have a lovely day

    Much love...

  9. Now that is a fence find! - I wonder how that apple got stuck there on that fence. No matter how it got there it made for a super cool fence shot.

  10. So I've always heard! Cute little apple, who will have you today? Perhaps a horse that happens by?!

  11. The apple in the wire gives a grand central focus to this lovely countryside.

  12. Your sense of humor shows through in this photo, Mascha!
    Thank you for linking up at


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