Mittwoch, 23. September 2015

September light

September light in
forest first dry leaves are
going for a swim

13 Kommentare:

  1. Wonderful reflection and capture of the stillness.

  2. The last week in Germany was just gorgeous! So so lucky I was able to enjoy such a beautiful week!

  3. I like the light humor of the leaves going for a swim. beautiful shot!

  4. Beautiful capture of the light and love the reflection too!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  5. Yes, the leaves in their golden years will fall to the ground with help from the gentle breath of Zephyr and fall into the river. That is a lovely scene. Peaceful place for a dying leaf.

  6. If I may say so, I love the symmetry.
    Peace :)

  7. This is so lovely Mascha! What a beautiful place for those leaves to let go into...

  8. I do enjoy photos of water where the reflection is so beautiful!! This photo is one of them! Thank you.


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