Dienstag, 1. September 2015

Little German ABC

H is for Hose

 Ho·se [ˈhoːzə] die <–, –n> both sing and pl describe the individual piece of clothing 
 - trousers, pants

In use:
tote Hose (slang) dead boring
die Hosen voll haben (fam) be dead scared
die Hosen anhaben (fam) wear the trousers, wear the pants
in die Hose gehen (fam) be a flop
sich dat in die Hose machen (fam) wet yourself

And: H is for Hof [hoːf], thats the yard, were is the clothesline
(had showed  already in another post)

It occurs to me that many words are similar in German and English, for example:
Hilfe - help
Haus - house
Hand - hand
halb - half
Honig - honey
heilig - holy
Herz - heart... and others.
I try always to chose an different word.

Posted for Mrs. Nesbitts ABC Wednesday

15 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Mascha gutenmittag

    Eine schone Beitrage für diese Woche.

    Auf Hollandsich heist es Broek.... aber wir haben doch viele Worte die sich sehr ahnlig sehen ;-)

    Melody (abc-w-team)

  2. I once had a wonderful holiday in Seefeld Austria and I remember the gentlemen wearing leiden hosen,
    very good they looked too! I'd love to re-visit Austria, or Bavaria.
    We travelled through Bavaria on a coach to Seefeld,
    A memorable holiday, who knows, may happen one day!

    best wishes,
    ABCW team.

  3. Funny that it's the similar word as women's stocking - hosiery.


    1. I've read that word on a package... in German it is called "Strumpfhose"
      I'm often smile about the similiar words , we can understand a few words.

  4. Thank you for my language lesson today.
    Very interesting and I do like the Hose Hanging on the laundry line.

  5. Nun, Mascha, wohin kommen Sie aus Deutschland?

  6. Antworten
    1. For me the normally alldays clothing (often with a poncho) - I wanna be a hippie ;-)

  7. beautiful setting for hanging laundry! thanks for another language lesson.

  8. That's what ladies' stockings used to be called (hose) before they became pantyhose.

    abcw team

  9. Na mensch, Schlaghosen sollen ja wieder ganz trendig werden, da bist du ja schon bestens gerüstet =)
    Auf diesen kleinen gemütlichen Innenhof bin ich ja sehr neidisch. Aber ich freu mich ja schon darüber, jetzt wenigstens einen eigenen Balkon zu besitzen. Der macht auch weniger Arbeit ^^

    LG Dana

  10. This was an interesting language lesson. The similarities make us smile.

  11. I like to hear expressions in other languages, especially if there isn't an English equivalent.

  12. What an interesting post and educational as well. I enjoyed seeing the words that are similar in both German and English. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Had started learning french sometime back but never made it beyond a month, however, new words fascinate me so would try learning words with your posts... Atl east will last beyond a month.


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