Montag, 21. September 2015

Wspomnienie lata - Summer memories

Happy time when after a summer rain
the sun comes out
thousand diamonds sparkle on the leaves
I lost my home
to see the miracles of the meadows
carefree days of happiness
dancing trough the time
lying in the grass
listening the bird songs
and breathing the smell
of flowering herbs

10 Kommentare:

  1. Wunderschöne Fotos! Das erste hat es mir besonders angetan!
    Liebe Grüße

  2. Wow..I really love the black and white with the prose... beautiful ....Michelle

  3. Oh! Your "diamonds are exquisite! Thank you for sharing! Have a grand day!

  4. Those flowers are so precious. Thanks so much for joining in for WWW. Always so enjoy your pictures.

  5. I love all those water droplets!

  6. As usual, you shared wonderfully! Thank you.

  7. What a wonderful shot. WOW! is the one word for it. And the poem with it also very nice.

  8. Your collage is interesting, almost 3D. I like your flower shots, too.

  9. fajnie tak niekonwencjonalnie - lubimy! dziękuję ze udział w wyzwaniu Art Piaskownicy - pozdrawiam Ki


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