Sonntag, 28. Februar 2016

Ready to hear

Walking away from all the things I know because something in me whispers it’s time to not know again & this time I think I might be ready to hear the secrets the world has kept safe for me my whole life.

- storypeople -

Leaving pieces

She left pieces of her life behind her everywhere she went.
It’s easier to feel the sunlight without them, she said.

- storypeople -

Shared with image-in-ing

Self knowledge

It’s important to know who you are.
At least until you figure out that who you are has nothing to do
with anything you think about that.

- storypeople -

Freitag, 26. Februar 2016

Ein Stück Himmel - кусочек неба -

Perfect world

I will always remember the way you’d laugh & clap your hands 
watching us play & then later, before bed, 
you’d gather us in your arms & whisper, 
Have you ever seen a world so perfect?

- storypeople -

Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2016

Melting ice...

If we all are dreaming of blue waters,
she said,
do you mean our dreams are strong enough
to melting ice?

Dienstag, 23. Februar 2016

Русская азбука в песнях - Russian ABC in songs

The seventh letter is ж - zh

It's a tender spoken zh

ж is for жёлтый (zholtyy) - yellow

The song for today is from the 70ies
Листья жёлтые (List'ya zholtyye) - Yellow leaves

Не прожить нам в мире этом,
Не прожить нам в мире этом,
Без потерь, без потерь.
Не пройдёт, казалось, лето,
Не пройдёт, казалось, лето,
А теперь, а теперь?

Листья жёлтые над городом кружатся,
С тихим шорохом нам под ноги ложатся,
И от осени не спрятаться, не скрыться,
Листья жёлтые, скажите, что вам снится.

Лист к окошку прилипает,
Лист к окошку прилипает, - золотой, золотой,
Осень землю осыпает,
Осень землю осыпает, - всю листвой, всю листвой...

Листья жёлтые над городом кружатся,
С тихим шорохом нам под ноги ложатся,
И от осени не спрятаться, не скрыться,
Листья жёлтые, скажите, что вам снится.

И пускай дождливы часто,
И пускай дождливы часто, -
Эти дни, эти дни.
Может, созданы для счастья,
Может, созданы для счастья
И они, и они.


We can not live in this world,
We can not live in this world,
Lossless lossless.
Can not pass, it seemed, summer,
Can not pass, it seemed, summer,
And now, now?

Yellow leaves over a city are turned,
With a soft rustle under our feet lie,
And from the fall can not hide, do not hide,
Yellow leaves, tell me what you dream.

The sheet sticks to the window,
The sheet sticks to the window, - gold, gold,
autumn showers the world
autumn showers the world - all the leaves, all the leaves ...

Yellow leaves over a city are turned,
With a soft rustle under our feet lie,
And from the fall can not hide, do not hide,
Yellow leaves, tell me what you dream.

And let rainy often
And let rainy often -
These days, these days.
Maybe set up to be happy,
Maybe set up to be happy
also they are, also they are...

Posted for Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wednesday


Waiting to be kissed

Every time I looked at the picture I thought how I should have kissed her, so finally I hid it in the attic & I wonder if it’s still there with us both so young & her waiting to be kissed.

- storypeople -

Montag, 22. Februar 2016

A stroll through barren landscape...

Nature looks dead in winter because her life is gathered into her heart. She withers the plant down to the root that she may grow it up again fairer and stronger. She calls her family together within her inmost home to prepare them for being scattered abroad upon the face of the earth.

- Hugh Macmillan - "Rejuvenescence," The Ministry of Nature, 1871

Die Natur erscheint tot im Winter, weil sie ihr Leben im Herzen sammelt. Sie welkt die Pflanze bis in die Wurzel, damit sie wieder stark und aufrecht wachsen kann. Sie ruft ihre Familie zusammen in ihr innerstes Zuhause, um sie vorzubereiten für die erneute Aussendung über das Antlitz der Erde.

- Hugh Macmillan - 1871

(Eine professionelle Übersetzung dieses engl. Zitates konnte ich nicht finden)