Dienstag, 2. Februar 2016

Русская азбука в песнях - Russian ABC in songs

The fourth letter in Russian ABC is Г - G

Г is for гора (gora) - mountain

This word is the same in Polish and similiar in Chech an Ukrainian - Hora
Maybe you've read it at a map (Jelenia Gora, Kutnà Hora and others)
Other languages I don't know...

гора is the noun, the adjective is горный (gornyj) - mountainous

The song, what I've chosen is "Горные вершины" (Gornyje vershiny) - mountain peaks
( in plural the ending is "y" by the noun and "yje" by the adjective)

The words of this song are written by Michail J. Lermontov.
Really it was at first a German poem by Johann Wolfgang Goethe 
and Lermontov has translated it in his own poeticaly kind.
Here is the poem in three languages:

The German original by Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Über allen Gipfeln Ist Ruh',
In allen Wipfeln
Spürest du
Kaum einen Hauch;
Die Vögelein schweigen im Walde.
Warte nur!
Ruhest du auch. 


The Lermontov poem in Russian:

Горные вершины
Спят во тьме ночной;
Тихие долины
Полны свежей мглой;
Не пылит дорога,
Не дрожат листы...
Подожди немного,
Отдохнёшь и ты.


and a Translation in English:

Peaks of distant mountains
Sleep in nightime gloom
Deep and soundless valleys
Filled with gentle brume
Dust unstirred on footpath,
Leaf stilled in the tree…
Wait a little longer,
Peace will come to thee

-  Translation by Masha Blokh, found here -


There are two compositions of this song, one of A. E. Varlamov and one of Anton Rubinstein.
 This is the song of Varlamov, the singer must be Oleg Pogudin
 (information is  missing at youtube)

Here is the Rubintsein-Version, sings Ivan S. Kozlovskij and the Sveshnikov-Boys Choir

Posted for Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC Wednesday

8 Kommentare:

  1. Ich bin sehr froh dass die Deutsche Sprache, sich sehr ahnlig sieht wie meine geburtssprache... in der nahe des Deutchen grenzes geboren verstehe ich dass Deutch wie meine eigene Sprache.
    Ein sehr schönes Gedicht .. ess komt ja ofter vor dass Lieder und Gedichte übersetzt werden.

    Guter Wahl für diese Woche
    Wünsche dir einen schönen BC-Tag / - Woche

    ♫ M e l o d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  2. Thank you for your interesting post. How clever that you also speak Russian. An extremely difficult language.
    Have a great week.
    Wiil, ABCWTeam

  3. You put so much thought and effort into these posts.
    Another interesting one. Thank you.

  4. Love the lyrics in English and it's lovely musically.

    abcw team

    1. Wunderbar - vielen Dank. Die russische Ausführung war sehr schön. Dir einen schönen Abend, lg Anna

  5. What a lovely poem, and thanks so much for our language lesson today. I'm taking a "conversational Spanish" class.

  6. I probably will not end up learning the language but the videos are good!


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