Mittwoch, 24. August 2016

The break must go on

I've tried to come back, because I like blogging and I've missed it.
But my real life isn't easy at the moment
and takes so much energy and time and my break must go on.

Enjoy your time, see you later.

FotoGRA - w trawie - sierpień

Posted for Art Piaskownica

Dienstag, 23. August 2016

Little matters

the days go by
with so many little
things that don’t
seem to matter
until they’re
no longer there
& suddenly,
they’re all
that ever

- storypeople -

Dienstag, 16. August 2016

Poetry is a bridge...

Poetry is not only dream and vision it is the skeleton architecture of our lives. It lays the foundations for a future of change, a bridge across our fears of what has never been before.

- Audre Lorde -

(This is a prepared post, I will be still some time away)

Montag, 8. August 2016

Dog days or how to enjoy the summertime

This post is inspired by Spy Girl Anne M Bray.
I've just seen her #tbt - Link Party 
and the prompt of this month is " The Dog Days of summer"

There are so many ways and matters to enjoy the summer, 
even without holidays and big travels...
Here a few of my

Enjoy flowers and colors

Open the windows in the early morning, 
search cool shadows in home during the day

Wear white clothing

Blow dandelion seeds all over the world

Collect the sunlight in your parasol and save it for dark winter days

Make the forest to your summer residence

Search a lake

Look at a fountain

Cool your feet

Be veiled...

Drink water

Let your worries fly away like white birds

Make big laundry

Watch the play of light and shadows

Observe the apples to ripen

Eat berries

Read about circumnavigations


Shared with Through My Lens #54, image-in-ing , Create with Joy
WW@Bethere2day  , Wednesday around the World , Photo Friday 
Friday Photo Journal, Seasons 

With this post I'm going in a little break - have to much to do in real life. 

Finally I'm linking up this post with Wandering Camera


Drinking well

Seen yesterday at Drübeck-Monastery, shared with Blue Monday