Freitag, 11. November 2016

Friday Five and winters arrive

Good morning,
It's time for Willy Nilly Friday Five.


Today a random blue post. Photos and collages from my archive.
I always try to make matching posts in colors
 and I've just making a blue blog site (once again).


Last Friday I fell on the stairs and injured my right foot.
 It was a horrible pain and isn't quite over yet.
So many things remained undone that I should have done...


Winter is just arrived. First frosts and snow and cold winds, brrrrrr!
On wednesday at last I took the begonies out of the pots.
I should have done that some days earlier, but I could not.
At first the big long rain and than the frost - I hope, the tubers have survived.
 A few I've lost, that I already saw.


Our neighbor town Goslar every year awards a prize, the "Kaiser Ring".
In this year it got the American artist Jimmie Durham.


I'm very longhing for blue skies, but even this photo is from last year.
So I can only make a cozy indoor time.
Our autumn is canceled in this year.

Have joy and coziness in your weekend.

11 Kommentare:

  1. Winter seems to be very close here too. Although there has been no snow yet where I live other towns very close to me are already white! I love your blue photos. Such a calming colour.

  2. Beautiful blues Mascha, a lovely post as always!

  3. Such a delicate blue flower! and your mosaic is so lovely!

  4. Wow. Lovely sights to see....even if they're not 'new'. I hope your foot heals quickly so you can get around a bit better!!

  5. I enjoyed your archive pictures. Ouch... sorry your foot was injured.

  6. I am so sorry you hurt your foot! I do hope it heals quickly! Lovely photos. How wonderful that you won that prize!

    1. Oh no, I haven't won a prize, it got to the American artist Jimmie Durham.

  7. I liked all the blues. That flower is glowing. Sorry you hurt your foot-sounds like it is a very bad sprain. And I am sad for you that you missed autumn.

  8. Der Kommentar wurde von einem Blog-Administrator entfernt.

  9. oh ouch, i'm so sorry to hear about your foot and i hope it is healing up well! you skipped autumn and went straight to winter...we have had some cold nights now this past week, 30's! not sure when we'll get our first snow, i'm kind of excited for it! enjoyed your archived picture! thank you for linking mascha and take it easy on that foot! hugs!


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