Montag, 21. November 2016

Room with a view


6 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha, we both are thinking of rooms this week! What a wonderful collection of views. This tune I'm not familiar with...thanks for sharing. Stay well and stop back again when you can.

  2. Great views to share with us. It's always wonderful to have a nice view outside a favorite room.

  3. Lovely views Mascha, have a good week

    Monday WRites 84 is now live, you are invited to link in

    much love...

  4. Beautiful photos... all of them`
    Thanks for sharing at

  5. Sometimes I stop on your blog... black backgroud is not attractive so much, but this post about windows convinced me to read more and more. Yes, I like your blog, it's something special with your art collages and a lot of photos. I'll read it in the future althrough I'll not comment becouse my English is not good enough :) Bye - Saša

  6. Welcome as new reader .-)
    I find a black background is the best for all kinds of pictures and colors. I've tried it: all the nice blog layouts aren't matching with my photos and collages and white is a little boring.


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