Montag, 28. November 2016

Green door...

Blaine L. Reininger - To the Green Door

Blaine L. Reininger is an American composer and performer born in 1953 in Pueblo, Colorado. Having studied violin from age 9, guitar from age 11, and music theory and composition through high school and into college, he left Colorado in 1976 for San Francisco. There, in 1977, as a consequence of his studies in electronic music at San Francisco City College, he started the legendary American cult band Tuxedomoon together with classmate Steven Brown.In 1981, Reininger and the group left America to practice their art in Europe. Over the course of the next 26 years, many artistic collaborations took place and many albums were recorded. These collaborations, while mostly musical in nature, often moved into other fields such as dance, theatre, and film.Since 2000, Tuxedomoon has been re-united and tours the known universe about once a year.Reininger continues to live and work in Europe, having lived in Athens, Greece since 1998. (source)

7 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Mascha,
    dass es sogar einen Song über eine grüne Türe gibt war mir neu, aber er ist ganz nach meinem Musikgeschmack !
    Ich war schon googeln nach dem Sänger.
    Und deine Fotos dazu perfekt !
    Und wie du schon von mir kennst, ich habe mich auch gleich mal hingesetzt und einen Beitrag probiert.
    Diese Challenge finde ich toll !
    Ich wünsche dir weiterhin gute Besserung und strapaziere deinen Fuß nicht zu arg.
    ♥lich Jutta

  2. Good morning Mascha, when I saw your green door I thought of the song "The Green Door."

    Thanks for sharing this tune that is new to me. Have a great week and I hope to see you again soon.

    1. It seems a mystery with the green doors, I know a few different songs...
      But this is my favorite. Wish, I could better understand English!

  3. Green doors always make me think of the song!

  4. Thanks for sharing this artist and musician! I had never heard of him before! Wonderful!

  5. Very nice~
    I always enjoy your sharing at the weekly linkup - thanks for stopping by at

  6. Beautiful shade of green on that door, Mascha. Very cheerful!
    Thanks for joining the Friday Greens meme.


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