Dienstag, 29. November 2016

Second thoughts

travelling as fast in one direction
as she can go before she has second thoughts
& goes back to doing the same old stuff

- storypeople - 

7 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha, you and I enjoy photographing old building details. Both your photos and collages are treasures. I thank you for stopping by today, stay well and please stop again.

  2. Beautiful collage of treasure, thanks for sharing!

  3. Such a happy carousel in front of that impressive church . .
    Thank you for telling us about you collage process . . . (you give me bright smiles)

  4. Sometimes it does feel as if life's a merry go round, understandably so

    much love...

  5. I love this post. Each piece/photo is they type I like so well.


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