Dienstag, 15. November 2016

Fast forward

Fast forwarding through her messages hoping to hear from old boyfriends who finally realize the treasure they’ve thrown away.

- storypeople -

12 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha, you are indeed a treasure! Your creative touch is a treasure for us all...thank you! I appreciate your many visits, stay well and stop back again.

  2. i always enjoy your pic stories mascha :)

  3. Great mix of photos and art. It's always a delight to visit your blog.

  4. wonderful collage art and photography! Happy PPF.

  5. I loved the way all the blues led into each other.

  6. Your Journaling/collage is gorgeous. Happy PPF

  7. Mascha I love the way your art and the letters and diaries are all mixed together. I am sad that I have thrown so many of my letters away.
    Happy PPF

  8. Your work is a creative delight


  9. This is a very powerful post. Your art and photos are just lovely.

  10. I love your photos and collage art!


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