Sonntag, 19. November 2017



12 Kommentare:

  1. Gut eingefangen, diese besondere Stimmung. Und doch scheint durchs Grau immer ein bisschen goldener Schein der Erinnerung...
    Einen schönen Abend noch!

  2. November in Serie, mit Melancholie und Novemberlichtern... Liebe Grüße Ghislana

  3. ...Mascha, wonderful images paired with this somber tune. I hope that all is well with you, take care my friend.

  4. Beautiful foggy scenes!
    Thanks for linking up at

  5. Beautiful misty photos of November.

  6. The fog and mist create such a mysterious atmosphere

  7. There are so many things I like in this post, I wished I could talk to you in person! The mystery of the the fog between the trees, the castle, and your (?) writing on the collages, which also have a mysterious feel to me. I saw the word Kugelkopf - wow, I see it in front of me, the word describes the shape exactly!Many thanks for sharing all this inspiration with All Seasons:) Have magical week!

    1. yes, it is my handwriting. But the words in these collages are not my own, the sheets are from an self-illustrated book of Friederike Mayröcker.
      From time to time I use some sheets in my digital picstories (made only for my blog) and I always think, nobody can read the this words, my visitors are from all over the world, and not from Germany...
      In earlier years I have illustratd a few books of Mayröcker, her texts are so meditative and poetically and by handwriting it makes for me a very especially wonderful mood, by reading it can never be such a strong effect.

  8. Piękny, mglisty listopad :)
    Dziękuję za udział w wyzwaniu ArtPiaskownicy :)

  9. Piękne:) dziękuję za udział w wyzwaniu Art-Piaskownicy.

  10. Beautiful photos! Thank you for joining to our challenge at Art-Piaskownica.


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