Freitag, 24. November 2017

This exact moment

There is nothing more I ask of this life than this moment,
exactly so. & suddenly forever seems like too short a time.

- storypeople -

Shared with Paint Party Friday

9 Kommentare:

  1. and nine are my favorite, wonderful moments.

  2. Fine photos and impressive collages.
    Happy PPF xx

  3. Again, I get to enjoy your wonderful collages. I particularly like the one with the water centered on the page. Lovely work. Happy PPF

  4. such beautiful images, if I had to pick a favorite I would choose that tree with the candles set out ,, so beautiful the trunk of that tree is,,

  5. beautiful photos, the bench and the tree are haunting.y gorgeous. Visiting from PPF. Oh, I'm having a HUGE Christmas Giveaway on my site, the giveaway closes midnight Sunday night pacific time. Here's the link...


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