Montag, 25. Mai 2020

Down by the greenwoodside

A haunting tune, but I like the video

She was walking her fathers walk
She was walking her fathers walk
She saw two pretty babes playing the ball
Lay me down me di-dilly dilly downward
Down by the Greenwoodside oh
She said "Pretty babes if you's was mine"
She said, "Pretty babes if you's was mine"
"I'd dress you in such silk and fine"
Lay me down me di-dilly dilly downward
Down by the Greenwoodside oh
They said, "Dear mother when we was yours"
You took a pen knife long and sharp
And pierced those pretty babes through the heart
Lay me down me di-dilly dilly downward
Down by the Greenwoodside oh
She washed the pen knife in the stream
She washed the pen knife in the stream
The more she washed it, the blood stained in
Lay me down me di-dilly dilly downward
Down by the Greenwoodside oh
She leant her back up against a nook
She leant her back up against a nook
First it bent and then it broke
Lay me down me di-dilly dilly downward
Down by the Greenwoodside oh
Lay me down me di-dilly dilly downward
Down by the Greenwoodside oh

Shared with Photo Tunes

5 Kommentare:

  1. Really love the path in the last images. Such beauty in nature.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. I remember this song, but had never really listened to the words.

  3. ...Masha, you find the most beautiful and haunting songs! Your images are paired well with the song. Thanks for sharing, take care and stay well.

  4. Beautiful ivy covered views. This song was new to me. Have a fine week.


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