Mittwoch, 20. Mai 2020

The arrival

While my underground colors are drying, lets have a tea on my working desk.
Lets take a little break and tell a story.

Somewhere behind a dark river, there is a place for cat souls.
When a cat has used up her nine lives, her soul goes on the journey there.
Some cats are well protected and become very old. Loved and caressed by their people,
but never defended against accidents.
Cats often happen a lot -

And there are also those who live homeless, in fee and they consume
 their nine lives very quickly.
After 2 or 3 years, they go over.
There are diseases, hunger, pain, bad people, cars and machines, wild animals - 
their world is full of dangers.
After a long suffering or suddenly they leave their wounded bodies
 and go to the other place.
At first it gets very cold and dark, then the black water is there and a boat.
Everything feels light suddenly, the pain is extinguished and only the memory 
of a caressing hand perhaps, some sad loving words. 
Human's tears maybe...

There are other cats in the boat and they glide silently over the water in the darkness.
It's cold and they freeze at first.
But then it gets brighter and there is an island.
An angel has lit a fire and they jump over the edge of the boat 
to sit by the fireplace. 
Meeting other, unknowed or well knowed cats.
They tell each other about the human who were so painful to leave
or about their ecperiences in an  enemy world.
All memories flow together to a chronicle of the cats.
They forget of it all, but nothing is lost.
Now they are here and waiting for new bodies and next nine lives.
Often they don't wait for a long time and their journey leeds back to our world.
The memory of the dark river will fade.
Until next time.

Made this picture 25th of january, inspired by Try it on Tuesday's promt "Fire and ice"
The story came into my mind while painting.

Re-post 28.1.2018

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