Montag, 18. Mai 2020


You're a comma to a question or a point that can't be raised
An incident that wakes you to a sun that never came
An answer to some riddle or a consequential truth
But some might say that's why I fell for you

An illusion of the intimate, the passing of the time
A chorus of seduction to the things that you've defined
A beneficial poison or a room without a view,
But some might say that's why I fell for you

An indeterminate desire or an inconclusive plan,
You're the sea that keeps on flowing through the cracks between our hands
An immaculate conception or the cameras on the moon
But some might say that's why I fell for you

2 Kommentare:

  1. I'm still fascinated by these illustrated pages of what seems to me to be a newspaper that. reminds me of the recently deceased photographer Peter Beard. I hope everything's all right with you.

  2. ...Masha you have paired your wonderful creations with this song that is new to me. I have always like the name Maria! Thanks for sharing and I hope that you are taking care of yourself.


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