Dienstag, 16. November 2021

Water songs



  Once there was a woman who could hear all the songs that water sings, even the high clear ones, thin as a light, from the snows that fall on top of mountains, & the deep low ones that sound under the heartbeat of all living things.

Often, she would sit on the porch & listen to the water songs of the whole world & when people walked by, she would hum a soft harmony along with the song they carried & for a long time after, each of them wondered what had changed & why they now knew they belonged to this place, too. 

- Kay Skye - 



6 Kommentare:

  1. remarkable. I appreciate the delicacy that characterizes your photos and your collages

  2. ...water sing to my soul! Thank Masha for sharing.

  3. So creative, Mascha. You have an eye for collages that I simply don't have.
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/11/this-is-all-ill-say-about-that.html

  4. Great collages and photos you're sharing.


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