Freitag, 22. Februar 2019

Work ethic

When we visited my grandma in the summer, we’d sit on the porch & watch the moon every night to be sure it made it safely home. My grandma said we should say prayers that it find fulfilling work during the day. It’s not like there’s a lot of jobs out there for a moon, she said. She had been through the Depression & thought about a lot of things like that.

- storypeople - 

(an old prepaired post from my archive)

6 Kommentare:

  1. Stunning photos & moving thoughts of grandma! Yes, what might the moon do while it is not seen from the Earth :) Wishing you a happy weekend.

  2. Lovely flowers and I also love remembering my grandmother and mother and all the little sayings they had. Happy Friday!

  3. ...the Depression shaped people's lives. It taught appreciation, something that many need to learn today. Thanks Masha for sharing your beautiful images. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

  4. That's such a lovely thing about the moon for your grandma to say.
    I always love your paper collages and will come in future to see more of them They are so stylish, and minimalist which is difficult to do (I have tried).

  5. Beautiful flowers. Great mix of photographs and collage art.

    Google Übersetzer:
    Schöne Blumen. Tolle Mischung aus Fotografien und Collagenkunst.

  6. Beautiful memories you have of you and your grandmother watching the moon at night. There is something magical about an inky black sky with the moon shining upon us. Lovely collages.


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