Dienstag, 26. Februar 2019

Color blind

What color are souls? she said &
I said, Color isn’t that much of an issue
when you’re talking souls.

- storypeople -

(An old prepaired post, photos from my archive)

7 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha, I always enjoy your collages, but the images of the flowers are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your week.

  2. Ich sag nur: Lieblingsblütenfarbe.
    Auch dir gute Besserung!

  3. I gotta bookmark this website it seems extremely helpful very useful. Thanks for sharing.
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  4. Wow, was für eine faszinierende Lenzrosen-Blütenfarbe!

  5. All photographs are gorgeous . I have seen these and enjoyed a lot . Clipping Path | Remove White Background | Product Photo Editing

  6. I had missed this one and really liked it too. so you see you can receive art with making collages, I really like the flowers.


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