Freitag, 8. Februar 2019

Things you might want to know about magic

#4: You’re not going to do it exactly like I say, because there’s going to be someone who’s going to show up to help you out. This could be a favorite relative, or a saint. Or Divine Mother. Or that old guy with the smiling eyes who sits outside of the liquor store who sees everything. Just welcome them & listen to what they say, because they’re here to help. Follow them, because they know the shortcut for you.

- storypeople -

17 Kommentare:

  1. Wow, great set of story people art. I love these.

  2. I tried to imitate your story people art style, which I love. I hope you don't mind. My Medieval Story People piece is here (and I mentioned you):

  3. Fantastic artistic collage of people and stories...beautiful!

  4. What a beautifully thoughtful post. Lovely artwork.

  5. ...Masha, magnificent, magical images! Your collage are always a delight. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your weekend.

  6. Wow! These are beautiful. I wish I could read your gorgeous handwriting. Happy PPF

  7. I love your collaged pages and your words. Really thoughtful. Happy PPF from Number 26 :D

  8. Du hast ja wieder viel geschrieben? Oder schon ältere Collagen?
    Bon week-end!

  9. I love to see hand written script with collage.
    Thank you for sharing and Happy PPF Tracey

  10. Interesting and lovely images, as always!


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