Mittwoch, 17. März 2021

Das Mittwochslied


Simon Khorolskiy - ein russischer Einwanderer 
in den USA kündet heute von seinem Glauben:
"Die Feuersäule"

Life is a fight, the light against the dark, 
above you and I
 The wind howls, the fire burns, 
but God has given us the banner of victory 
 The path destined for us is long
 Treacherous and uneasy 
We were all born in the desert
 God has called us to be holy 
The pillar of fire moves through the night 
It parts the seas when it wants too 
The pillar of fire is the power of the Holy Spirit, 
Breaks any chains! 
 His power, his Glory, the God existent from the beginning 
The heart is filled with power, bringing us together in the spirit 
 One road leads us together, the truth and life from God 
We, born in the desert, glorify His name! His name!

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