Dienstag, 16. März 2021

Gratitude walk



 Try to remember
that all of it is
walking gratefully
 into what comes

(& yes, remembering
it can take some time)

 -  Kay Skye -  

Shared with Tuesday`s Treasures, image-in-ing, Pictorial Tuesday

6 Kommentare:

  1. A very nice series what you shared and the rails with the snow caught my attention this time -This words came into my thoughts:
    Sometimes you can also lose track in life.
    And the last picture I see as a turning point:
    After tension it is always good to relax a bit.

  2. Herrliches Foto von dir!

    1. Das bin ich nicht, war nur ein Knips im Vorübergehen...aber ich nutze die Frühlingssonne gern auf gleiche Weise.
      LG Mascha

  3. How lovely! It looks like an interesting walk.

  4. A nice series. I love that first photo of the stairs leading to the archway.
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/03/oh-tommy.html

  5. ...Masha, you have a wonderful collection of images today. The stairs leading to the archway is my favorite. Thanks for sharing and take care.


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