Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2021

A German trash story


 Once upon a time there was a large, comfortable holiday home 
in Gernrode, nearby the town Quedlinburg. 
Built 1952-54.
Many families spent happy holidays here. 
 After the German reunification they left it and now it is rotten and broken.
They did this with a lot of beautiful buildings and factories. 
 Some can still be found as ruins thirty years later... 
(more photos from than and now you find here

6 Kommentare:

  1. Such a sad sight! I just read a newly released Finnish novel that told about the times of the DDR, Berlin Wall and the reunited Germany. Very interesting, of course the book is fiction.

  2. ...sad example of what should have been a happy time. Thanks Masha.

  3. My comment vanished probably... I said that this is a sad sight. I just read a newly released Finnish novel that told about the DDR, Berlin mural and rejunited Germany. Very interesting from the 80s, of course it was fiction.

    1. Dear Riitta, thanks for your comments. My PC was down the whole day, we had a lot of trouble. Just it's working again, hope, it will be for a long time -

    2. Hi Mascha,
      I'll leave here my review of this novel Yours, Margot: https://kirjaviekoon.blogspot.com/2021/10/meri-valkama-sinun-margot.html

      The review is in Finnish, but there is Google translator. Meri Valkama has studied in Berlin (I believe her father was correspondent in Berlin in the 80s) and she has made research about foreign journalists in East Berlin. I am very interested in those times, because I remember them so well. Now I borrowed from library two novels, one by Marion Brasch and other by Eugen Ruge.

    3. Thank you for the Stasiland tip <3


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