Dienstag, 18. Januar 2022

More fair


They left me with your shadow, saying things like 
Life is not fair & I believed them for a long time. 
But today, I remembered the way 
you laughed & the heat of your hand in mine & I knew
 that life is more fair than we can ever imagine 
if we are there to live it
- storypeople - 

4 Kommentare:

  1. ...thank you Mascha, I hope that all is going well for you. Take care.

  2. Dear Mascha,
    I know that every moment we had together was a treasure - one that I did not always fully appreciate of grasp. Thank you for sharing with me another way to try to understand what I have lost and to appreciate what we once had. Thank you for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2022/01/seen-on-blue-ridge-parkway.html and for your comment there.

  3. Beautiful photos, collage artwork and prose Mascha.

  4. great combinations. thanks for sharing. I especially love that quote because with the loss of my hubby, it is so appropriate. I am learning to appreciate the what rather than the loss. Comes and goes. :)


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