Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2022

Das Mittwochslied


Zum Gedenken an den Kosovo-Krieg
singt die damals 14jährige Lena Katina aus Ruszland (1999)
Die Bilder sind schockierend und die NATO sollte sich aus Osteuropa 
und anderen Krisengebieten generell heraus halten.
Segen hat das noch nie gebracht, das wird leider immer wieder vergessen.
Ich habe grosze Angst vor dem, was jetzt wieder bevor steht.
Dieses Lied fand ich eher zufällig. 

 In the evening carried over the Danube White flowers, white flowers, white flowers... And my memory asks for a melody From long ago, long ago, long ago... But like a flock of lost birds, Our song's simple words disperse... You're heading into fire, Yugoslavia! Without me! Without me! Without me! For the downpour of lead during that night, For the reason that I'm not by your side, Forgive me my sister, Yugoslavia... For the death during the spring rain For that I never came to your rescue Forgive me my sister, Yugoslavia... Like a confused dark-eyed girl, You stand on the other side. But to reach over to that side I cannot, I cannot, I cannot... In the evening carried over the Danube White flowers, white flowers, white flowers And my memory asks for a melody From long ago, long ago, long ago... For that night during the downpour of lead For that I wasn't there by your side, Forgive me my sister, Yugoslavia... For the death during the spring rain For that I never came to your rescue Forgive me my sister, Yugoslavia...

Над вечерним Дунаем разносится
Белый цвет, Белый цвет, Белый цвет.
И на память мелодия просится
Прошлых лет,Прошлых лет, Прошлых лет...
Но расстаяли птичьими стаями,
Нашей песни простые слова.
Ты уходишь в огонь Югославия!
Без меня! Без меня! Без меня!
За ночь под свинцовым градом,
За то что меня нет рядом
Ты прости, сестра моя - Югославия!
За смерть под дождем весенним,
За то, что не стал спасеньем
Ты прости, сестра моя - Югославия!
Черноглазой девченкой растеряной
Ты стоишь на другом берегу.
Но добраться до этого берега
Не могу, немогу, не могу.
Над вечерним Дунаем разносится
Белый цвет, Белый цвет, Белый цвет.
И на память мелодия просится
Прошлых лет,Прошлых лет, Прошлых лет...
За ночь под свинцовым градом,
За то что меня нет рядом
Ты прости, сестра моя - Югославия!
За смерть под дождем весенним,
За то, что не стал спасеньем
Ты прости, сестра моя - Югославия!
Submitted by suncicasuncica on Sun, 18/11/2012 - 12:11
English translation
Align paragraphs


Versions: #1#2
Above the evening Danube spreads
white color, white color, white color.
And the memory of a melody asks about
the past year, the past year, the past year.
But the flock of birds got scattered,
our songs are only simple words.
You are walking into the fire, Yugoslavia!
Without me! Without me! Without me!
For the night under the leaded hail,
for I was not around
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
For the death under the spring rain,
for what was not saved
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
Like a black-eyed confused girl
you stand on the other shore.
But to reach that shore
I cannot, I cannot, I cannot.
Above the evening Danube spreads
white color, white color, white color.
And the memory of a melody asks about
the past year, the past year, the past year.
For the night under the leaded hail,
for I was not around
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
For the death under the spring rain,
for what was not saved
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
Над вечерним Дунаем разносится
Белый цвет, Белый цвет, Белый цвет.
И на память мелодия просится
Прошлых лет,Прошлых лет, Прошлых лет...
Но расстаяли птичьими стаями,
Нашей песни простые слова.
Ты уходишь в огонь Югославия!
Без меня! Без меня! Без меня!
За ночь под свинцовым градом,
За то что меня нет рядом
Ты прости, сестра моя - Югославия!
За смерть под дождем весенним,
За то, что не стал спасеньем
Ты прости, сестра моя - Югославия!
Черноглазой девченкой растеряной
Ты стоишь на другом берегу.
Но добраться до этого берега
Не могу, немогу, не могу.
Над вечерним Дунаем разносится
Белый цвет, Белый цвет, Белый цвет.
И на память мелодия просится
Прошлых лет,Прошлых лет, Прошлых лет...
За ночь под свинцовым градом,
За то что меня нет рядом
Ты прости, сестра моя - Югославия!
За смерть под дождем весенним,
За то, что не стал спасеньем
Ты прости, сестра моя - Югославия!
Submitted by suncicasuncica on Sun, 18/11/2012 - 12:11
English translation
Align paragraphs


Versions: #1#2
Above the evening Danube spreads
white color, white color, white color.
And the memory of a melody asks about
the past year, the past year, the past year.
But the flock of birds got scattered,
our songs are only simple words.
You are walking into the fire, Yugoslavia!
Without me! Without me! Without me!
For the night under the leaded hail,
for I was not around
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
For the death under the spring rain,
for what was not saved
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
Like a black-eyed confused girl
you stand on the other shore.
But to reach that shore
I cannot, I cannot, I cannot.
Above the evening Danube spreads
white color, white color, white color.
And the memory of a melody asks about
the past year, the past year, the past year.
For the night under the leaded hail,
for I was not around
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
For the death under the spring rain,
for what was not saved
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
Над вечерним Дунаем разносится
Белый цвет, Белый цвет, Белый цвет.
И на память мелодия просится
Прошлых лет,Прошлых лет, Прошлых лет...
Но расстаяли птичьими стаями,
Нашей песни простые слова.
Ты уходишь в огонь Югославия!
Без меня! Без меня! Без меня!
За ночь под свинцовым градом,
За то что меня нет рядом
Ты прости, сестра моя - Югославия!
За смерть под дождем весенним,
За то, что не стал спасеньем
Ты прости, сестра моя - Югославия!
Черноглазой девченкой растеряной
Ты стоишь на другом берегу.
Но добраться до этого берега
Не могу, немогу, не могу.
Над вечерним Дунаем разносится
Белый цвет, Белый цвет, Белый цвет.
И на память мелодия просится
Прошлых лет,Прошлых лет, Прошлых лет...
За ночь под свинцовым градом,
За то что меня нет рядом
Ты прости, сестра моя - Югославия!
За смерть под дождем весенним,
За то, что не стал спасеньем
Ты прости, сестра моя - Югославия!
Submitted by suncicasuncica on Sun, 18/11/2012 - 12:11
English translation
Align paragraphs


Versions: #1#2
Above the evening Danube spreads
white color, white color, white color.
And the memory of a melody asks about
the past year, the past year, the past year.
But the flock of birds got scattered,
our songs are only simple words.
You are walking into the fire, Yugoslavia!
Without me! Without me! Without me!
For the night under the leaded hail,
for I was not around
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
For the death under the spring rain,
for what was not saved
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
Like a black-eyed confused girl
you stand on the other shore.
But to reach that shore
I cannot, I cannot, I cannot.
Above the evening Danube spreads
white color, white color, white color.
And the memory of a melody asks about
the past year, the past year, the past year.
For the night under the leaded hail,
for I was not around
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
For the death under the spring rain,
for what was not saved
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
Above the evening Danube spreads
white color, white color, white color.
And the memory of a melody asks about
the past year, the past year, the past year.
But the flock of birds got scattered,
our songs are only simple words.
You are walking into the fire, Yugoslavia!
Without me! Without me! Without me!
For the night under the leaded hail,
for I was not around
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
For the death under the spring rain,
for what was not saved
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
Like a black-eyed confused girl
you stand on the other shore.
But to reach that shore
I cannot, I cannot, I cannot.
Above the evening Danube spreads
white color, white color, white color.
And the memory of a melody asks about
the past year, the past year, the past year.
For the night under the leaded hail,
for I was not around
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
For the death under the spring rain,
for what was not saved
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
Above the evening Danube spreads
white color, white color, white color.
And the memory of a melody asks about
the past year, the past year, the past year.
But the flock of birds got scattered,
our songs are only simple words.
You are walking into the fire, Yugoslavia!
Without me! Without me! Without me!
For the night under the leaded hail,
for I was not around
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
For the death under the spring rain,
for what was not saved
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
Like a black-eyed confused girl
you stand on the other shore.
But to reach that shore
I cannot, I cannot, I cannot.
Above the evening Danube spreads
white color, white color, white color.
And the memory of a melody asks about
the past year, the past year, the past year.
For the night under the leaded hail,
for I was not around
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!
For the death under the spring rain,
for what was not saved
forgive me, my sister - Yugoslavia!

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