Dienstag, 25. Januar 2022

Narrow gauge railway


 It's always a pleasure to watch the shunting maneuvers 
of the narrow gauge railway.

  They have a few steam locomotives, diesel locomotives and railcars in use.

 And they have a turntable.

 Here the diesel locomotive drives onto the turntable and stops. 
 The turntable moves and then the locomotive reverses to another track.

5 Kommentare:

  1. Tolle Aufnahmen sind das !
    Liebe Grüße

  2. GAANZ GRO?E AUGEN BEKOMME ... liebe Mascha, wunder schön ...

    LG Bernhard

  3. ...these are wonderful sights to see. When I was a boy there was a turntable in town, but it no longer exists. Thanks Mascha for sharing these treasures.

  4. Great photos. We use to have such a busy railway hub in my town when I was young and so interesting. Now it's all gone other than just some trains passing through. Enjoyed seeing. Thanks.

  5. Wie schön, etwas aus dem Ort zu sehen, den ich ja auch kenne. War einige Male dort und werde im Sommer auch mal wieder hinfahren.


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