Dienstag, 11. Januar 2022

For granted



I t's easy to focus on the things that are not going so well 
and forget that there is still so much to be grateful for.
 Like the fact we are a bundle of cosmic soup bound together 
by pure energy and running a 4 dimensional hallucination program 
we call consciousness. It's neat. 
- Storypeople -  


5 Kommentare:

  1. ..."It's easy to focus on the things that are not going so well
    and forget that there is still so much to be grateful for." This is true and we need to be reminded of it. Thanks Mascha for sharing these words of wisdom.

  2. Ich sehe eine Drehscheibe, liebe Mascha,

    da schlägt das Eisenbahnerherz höher :-)

    LG Bernhard

    1. Die Harzer Schmalspurbahn erscheint bei mir öfter. - Dann nehm ich mal die kleine Knipse mit raus, wenn ich da nächstes Mal vorbeikomme...

  3. I'm stealing the quote as it says it so perfectly. lol
    Beautiful compositions as always.


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