Words by David Guramischwili (1705-1792)
In Latin letters: http://owap.ge/presa/geo/bp.php?m=lit&AID=4604
Even though I do not understand the words -
it's the most beautiful sacred hymn for me
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thank you for the holy hush here
AntwortenLöschen«Louis» was away from the computer all day Friday, so he is late visiting. Your musical selections are very fine. It is always a pleasure to see what you've found for your Lenten series.
AntwortenLöschenlovely, calming voices. I love hearing chants.
AntwortenLöschenI am your neighbor at still saturday this week. Happy to "meet" you!
AntwortenLöschenDear Mascha, thank you for sharing your beautiful hymns, a Happy Holy Week to you; happy you stopped over at my blog to link up
AntwortenLöschenmuch love...
Blessings to you this Holy Week, Mascha
AntwortenLöschenAs usual, you're a creative thinking person. Spreading the truth around and about. Thank you.