Freitag, 11. April 2014

Random 5 Friday

I 've done a lot in the garden , because it not only grow the flowers, but also the weeds ... in this season very quickly.
But like gardening, it is not work for me but meditation...

I had bought my cat a collar against ticks. There are now already many ticks.
The collar smells disgusting chemically and her white chest fur was dyed it red ... and the tick that they had not thereby died. Cat still came home with a new tick, in the immediate vicinity of the collar... Did collar removed, it is not a good solution .
But to remove an already very suspicious cat a tick is also very difficult. They regarded such measures as a stop on their lives. Sigh!

For two days the rain. Time to do something in the house.
I have a lot of photos accumulated, and now I 've made some small albums to be glued in it. Have they upholstered in beautiful fabrics.

The most beautiful book for spring time 
is for me "The Tulip Anthology"  for me.

Now the poetic part - лирический часть.
A poem by Vyacheslav Kupriyanov

Оазис времени

В пустыне пространства
оазис времени
прозрачный ключ

мы смотрим в него
как в зеркало

мы выпиваем то
что мы

чтобы иметь силы
где не на что смотреть

oasis time

In the desert area of space
oasis time
is a clear source
of inspiration

We look at it
as in a mirror

we drink it

to have the strength
where not to look at

Have a great and quiet weekend all.

Shared with Nancy's Random5Friday
and Susanne's friday's fave five 

11 Kommentare:

  1. Ah, there is something about tulips! Did you ever read Tulip Fever - a fab book!!
    Fleas and ticks are such a problem for our pets - Molly-cat always has a collar, which we change every 6 months.
    Happy Friday xx

  2. I love those journals and that Tulip book.

  3. I love tulips and springtime! Your journals are lovely. Hope you find something to keep the ticks from your pretty cat.

  4. That tick collar sounds scary. Hope you find a better solution.

  5. Oh that tulip is pretty! I love your photo albums! You might want to try Tea Tree Oil on your cat to ward off ticks. It can be found in health food stores.

    1. Oh thank you - I have Tea Tree Oil in house, will try it. :-)

  6. Hi Mascha. Too bad about the tics at this time of the year. The tea tree oil sounds like a good solution. If we children ever got tics at the summer cabin in the Czech Republic, grandpa put kerosene on them and they wiggles right out, but that's probably not a viable solution for a cat who will lick the area. I love the tulip book. If I had lived in the 16th C, I would so have lost my entire heart, (and fortune), to tulips.

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend, dear one, with sunnier weather. :)

  7. Poor kitty, I hope you got the tick removed. Thankfully our cats are indoor cats and we don't live around ticks.
    That Tulip book sounds wonderful. I love spring & planting flowers but it can be hard work (and sore muscles).

  8. Your journals are very pretty and I LOVE tulips. They are starting to grow here in eastern New York State and our city, near where I live, in the capital of Albany, has a tulip festival every May. It is so much fun to see all the different types of tulips in the big city park. Happy Spring!!!

  9. Tulips are in bloom around here, too - lovely. I wished they lasted a bit longer, but I love them while they're here.

    Hope you can find a better solution for the tick problem. I can imagine the cat being suspicious. :-)

    I have some photos I need to get organized and into albums, too.

  10. You created beautiful albums. Love that fabric!
    Tulip time is always a wonderful sign of spring!


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